Monday, October 23, 2006

Well, all, this is my first entry into my political/current events blog. I feel I should start with some sort of introductory essay, so I'll go with an old standby of mine: what it means to be a conservative, and why they never win.

Now, you'll probably be saying, "what do you mean, they never win? They have Congress AND the White House, AND the majority of governorships in the country. If anything, the liberals never win." My question to you is, what has all of that legislative muscle gotten them? Abortion? Still legal. Flag protection ammendment? Never passed. Affirmitive action? Still there. Prayer in public schools? Not even up for discussion. Private social security accounts? Hahaha! Private school vouchers? You're joking, right? These were all things the Repubs told their constituents they would "fix" immediately, and yet, 4 years after they assumed control over the Presidency and both houses of Congress, not a single one has been addressed to the satisfaction of those on the right. Gay marriage was never even an issue during the Clinton administration, now it's legal in some parts of the country and gaining traction in others. It is only a matter of time before homosexual marriage becomes as legal and accepted as interracial marriage has become. And if you don't believe me, take a course in 20th Century American History and study how the people in the 1950s felt about interracial relationships. Homosexual couples today have a walk in the park compared to black/white couples only a few generations ago.

Why is this? Because of the very nature of what conservativism is. And that is, a fight against the passage of time. Nothing more, nothing less. Conservatives see the world as it is - or increasingly, was - as some kind of golden age, and they fight to hold onto it, despite the overwhelming evidence that life gets better as time goes on, not worse. And as the human race advances further and further into the future, the conservatives just get more and more upset, because ulitmately you can win elections, and you can pass legislation (sometimes), but you can't halt on progress, you can only tap on the brakes. And that is why liberals, as upset as we may be about the political inadaquacies of the party which represents us, are generally happier people than conservatives. Because we know the course of time will prove us right, as it always has, and that we'll eventually get our way.

DU's Top Ten list is out. Brilliant as usual.


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