Wednesday, May 02, 2007


Today is the big day...W is going to demolish what is left of his credibility and popularity by vetoing the bill that would fund the troops doing his work in Iraq. Why is he doing this? Because Congress had the gall to ask the President to begin to plan for the pull-out of the troops and the beginning of the end our involvement in a war that has lasted longer than the United States' involvement in World War II.

How do the American people feel about this? Well, the fact that the Democrats had the necessary majority to get the measure passed in the first place is testament to the fact that Americans have had enough of this deadly foolishness, and want no more part in it. It's true, the 2006 elections had a lot to do with the culture of corruption that made Jack Abramhoff, Duke Cunningham, Tom Foley, and Tom DeLay household names, and the Terry Schiavo thing really freaked everyone out, and people were probably wondering why the guy who was in charge of regulating the internet was saying things like, "the internet isn't a dump truck - it's a series of tubes", but the real reason the Repubs were removed from power on the Hill so forcefully was that the people had had enough of this war, and they wanted exactly the kind of legislation passed that W is going to veto tomorrow.

W is not only destroying his own legacy at this point, he is smothering his own Party's chances in 2008. Show the American people that the only way to get out of this mess is to have a Democratic President AND Congress, and I can promise you they'll do again exactly what they did this past election.

The American people have had it with your war, Mr. President. They've had it with your foreign policy, they've had it with your Party, they've had it with you. The Democrats have shown willingness to compromise and continue to fund this war - they just want to see a light at the end of the tunnel. Do the right thing and maybe you can hope to dig yourself and your Party out of this hole you have dug. Do the wrong thing, and everyone suffers - most of all the troops in harm's way. But, of course, if you gave a shit about them, I suppose they wouldn't be there.


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