Friday, October 27, 2006

Well, don't this beat all.

NBC is now refusing to air the trailer for the Dixie Chicks documentary because the trailers are "disparaging to President Bush". It seems to me that advertisements are aired every election cycle that are disparaging to some politician or another. You see, that's what is so great about living in America - we can (in theory) say what we want to say about whosoever we want.

On my first rant on this blog, I wrote that the liberals couldn't lose because you can not halt time. But the fact of the matter is, once you put a halt to the free expression of ideas, you can slow down time to a crawl. Something has to be done about the scardy-cat routine the American media is still pulling with regards to this administration, even though fewer and fewer Americans support the Administration every day.

We need our media outlets not to be afraid to air things which "disparage" any politician, so long as libel isn't involved. The media has to be able to step up and challenge whoever is in office, be they Democrat or Republican, because you can not allow any entity to become too powerful. And right now, this administration is toeing that line.

Thanks to ThinkProgress for pointing this story out, via DK.

BTW - the trailer is here.


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