Monday, March 12, 2007


I keep being late with these weekend posts, mostly because we have no internet connection at the Cape when the folks aren't up. Anyway, my tardiness means I can once again link to DU's Top Ten, but it won't be my whole post this time.

This week I want to talk about something that appeared at the top of last week's list. For those of you who didn't hear, our good buddy Ann Coulter more or less called Democratic Presidential Candidate and former Senator John Edwards a "faggot."

Now, I promised long ago that I would not use this blog to respond to the hateful rants of Conservative blowhards like Coulter. And indeed, I will not be responding to these comments myself. What I do want to write about is a few people who have.

Specifically, newspapers that used to carry Ann Coulter's syndicated column. I say "used to" because these publications have decided, in the time period since Coulter used the slur, to discontinue to publish her work. It's a noble gesture, and this happening is something I find encouraging, yet at the same time somewhat lacking.

Homosexual rights have come along slowly. Unlike African-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, Native Americans, women, etc., which have legal, if not actual, equality, homosexuals are on an uneven ground with the rest of Americans, even legally. And socially, they are far behind. The word faggot - or fag, queer, etc. - os just as offensive and hatfeul as any racial slur, yet many people who would never be caught dead using the word nigger have no problem using these words in public. It is satisfying, therefore, to see that these papers are leading the charge to stamp out this form of hateful language in polite society.

Please note, those of you who are already screaming "Freedom of Speech" at your computer monitors, that this is not a 1st Ammendmant issue. The Constitution of the United States declares that "Congress shall pass no law... abridging the freedom of speech." If Ann Coulter were to be arrested over her remarks I would be as outraged as the most homophobic paranoid right-wing militia member. What the 1st Ammendmant does not protect us, or Ms. Coulter, from is the ramifications inflicted upon her by a private entity such as a newspaper. When you use hate speech, it is the newspaper's right to dissasociate themselves from you if they so choose, just as it is their right, if they so choose, to print said speech.

I would march for Ann Coulter's right to use words like faggot in the provacy of her own home, or even at a speech in a public rally on the capitol steps, if she had the proper permit to conduct such a rally, but there is no reason any paper should be forced to carry anything written by someone it feels is a bigot.

That all being said, I find it to be a sad commentary that many papers have not chosen, at least thus far, to follow suit and also remove Ms. Coulter's columns from their pages. Like I said before, "faggot" is just as hateful as any racial or ethnic slur, yet had Ms. Coulter called anyone a nigger or a kike or a spic, surely many more newspapers than 7 would consider that a removable offense. I look forward to the day when the word faggot takes its place among the words not to be used where others might hear them.

I'll do my personal blog later today, probably in the afternoon. Till then...

Wednesday, March 07, 2007


I want to speak about something that has been irking me lately. The amount of coverage Anna Nicole Smith's death has been getting in the main stream media ever since it occured - which happened to be a month ago tomorrow - has been nothing short of obscene. When the "news" first broke, CNN went into a special report that lasted 90 minutes without commercial interruption. And it's only gotten worse from there. did a study of the three largest cable "news" networks (make sure you watch the video on that link - you won't know whether to laugh or cry or strangle the nearest passerby, or possibly do all three at once) - FNC, CNN, and MSNBC - last Friday. They counted the number of times Anna Nicole Smith was mentioned versus the number of times Walter Reed Hospital - a story much newer and infinitely more important - was mentioned. The results were absolutely ridiculous.

FNC mentioned Anna 121 times, as opposed to 10 - 10! - mentions of the embarrasment that is the disgusting Walter Reed situation. But they are a right-wing media mouthpiece, so what about CNN and MSNBC?

Well, comparitively, they were much better, but both networks were ludicrously giving the two stories roughly equal pay. Again, this was almost a month after Ms. Smith's passing, while the other story in question had just broken and was about the horrific treatment our WOUNDED VETERANS are getting AT HOME.

Of course, this is just the latest in a long, long series of so called "events" that cable "news" outlets have been hammering us with ever since the OJ Simpson car chase almost 10 years ago. The list has included things like the OJ trial, the aftermath of the OJ trial, the Joan Benet Ramsey case, Anna Nicole Smith's court case over her dead husband's estate, the Michael Jackson trials, the Natalie Hallowell affair, Kobe Bryant's rape trial, Michael Jackson dangling a kid over a railing, Martha Stewart's insider trading trial, the Joan Benet Ramsey case, again, Britney Spears shaving her head, etc., etc., etc. All of this crap, absolutely none of which affected any everyday American in any way whatsoever, all of it treated by various "news" outlets like the Marshans just landed.

Our wounded troops are being treated like shit here at home, while under US Army care, at a US Army medical facility? Who cares? That big-titted lady who died last month is getting buried today! Who spoke at the funeral? What did they say? THAT is what passes for "news" to these people.

To any news anchor who may be reading this - if you willingly did a story on Anna Nicole Smith this month, do the world a favor and resign. Go work for US Weekly or some shit. Leave the news to people who, well, care about the news. Oh, and Rita Cosby - just go ahead and kill yourself; you're wasting our oxygen.

And to all of you Fox News viewers out there - you can talk all you want to about "supporting the troops", but if you continue to watch FNC after reading this, you don't support the troops. Simple as that. Someone who truly does so would be so upset about their news station skipping over the troops' mistreatment for this tabloid story they would never watch that channel again.

Rant over. Personal blog tomorrow. Till then...

Monday, March 05, 2007


I'm a day late, again, with my "wekend" post, and, worse still, I haven't really been paying attention to anything going on in the real world this weekend other than college hoops. So, in leiu of an actual post, I'm just going to go ahead and link you to DU's Top Ten. Be sure to check out Glenn Beck (9), Ann Couletr (1), and the Bush Administration (3). If you can read this and wonder why I'm on the other side, I don;t know what I can do for you.