Tuesday, October 23, 2007


I've made a post similar to this one before. On closer examination, you may ultimately decide I have nothing new to say here, at all. But I want to dedicate this rant to my favorite group of Republicans - the "Christians".

Maybe the quotations are not wholly deserved. Maybe, technically you guys are Christians, and it is those who lead you who are the "Christians". Maybe, but my take is that since the system of beliefs that you practice are so wholly anti-thetical to the beliefs that Christ endorsed, I can not in good faith sully his name and teachings by associating your behavior with them.

Let's get this out in the open. I am not your friend, politically. I could be your friend, on a personal level. I know many "Jesus" Freaks who are quality individuals with an earnest desire to do good. I'm not accusing you of being evil people - I'm accusing you of being mislead, without condoning your decision to follow.

But I don't agree with any of your political views. And neither does any somewhat influential member of our Party, deep down inside, no matter what he says or how he votes to protect his job security.

But here's the thing - neither do they. The difference between us and them is that we haven't been playing you for the last 30 years. Honestly, we never thought you'd be so dumb as to believe that crap. The Republicans, they did. "No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public." H.L. Mencken, I believe.

They don't believe anything they say - anything. They've been selling you the same turd for 30 years now, polishing it, and coming back next year with it again. "We're gonna overturn Roe v. Wade." (As if! What would they do if their teenage daughter got knocked up by the pool boy? You don't think they're gonna let Gustavo to marry into that family, do you? Ha!) "We're gonna put a stop to this gay marriage thing once and for all." (What a joke, gay marriage in New England and California would be the best thing for these people - they could use it as another way to demonize us.) "We're gonna restore Christian values to Congress." (What part of Christianity, I wonder, involves snorting drugs of a male prostitute's cock, cyberfucking - talking dirty over the internet, to the uninitiated - their 15 year-old-boy pages, fucking lady prostitutes in a goddam diaper, or tapping on the floor of the stall next to you so you can have some anonymous stranger come into your stall and rail you in the ass, and coming up with a fucking cop at the other end. And then trying to lie about it!!! The Democratic gays don't do that shit. Can you imagine Barney Frank fucking in a public men's room? If you can, that's one of us.)

Everything they've told you is a lie. And now, it's right there in the open. The Republican front runners include two candidates are out in the open pro-Choice, and the Mormon governor of Massachusetts who used to say he was Pro Choice but now he says he's against it.

Oh, and that heathen Mormon, he's the only candidate on his first wife. Do you know which Democratic front-runner is not on his/her first spouse? I'll give you a clue - none of them.

Look - this business about forming your own Party - do it. Hell, that proposal you made, about all moving to South Carolina or some shit and starting your own Republic - consider me your ally in this project. The internet roots are becoming the predominant force in the Democratic Party. Splinter yourselves from the Repubs, and we can work together to get all the Red Tape out of your way. Don't entangle yourselves with these hypocrites any longer. It's not doing your image any favors to continue to be snookered by them.


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