Wednesday, November 01, 2006

The John Kerry business swarmed the allegedly "liberal" media today, so much so that Senator Kerry finally conceeded and apologized for saying something he never said.

This is just another example of the Republicans brow-beating the Democrats over some fucking thing or another, until the Dems conceede defeat and try to move on. Kerry should have either apologized for the misinterpretation as soon as the story broke out and quelled it then, or he should have held his ground and made the point, in a concise manner, that this was the Repubs throwing feces until something stuck...again. Instead, what he has done is allowed this story to play out for an entire news cycle, and now he looks like an asshole for riding the high horse for all the time he did it. In politics, either you are right, or you are wrong, and by apologizing, Kerry is conceeding that he was wrong, when he did nothing wrong. Handing out political victories to Republicans on the eve of elections is another reason the Democrats rarely win.

Fortunately, though, this year is different. The twisting of Senator Kerry's words isn't going to help Chafee or Santorum or Burns. And the House races are so locked up it's not funny. The Democrats are at least taking the House, and could very well be grabbing the Senate, and not a goddam thing the Repubs can do now, short of outright voter fraud, is going to change that.

But at some point, the faces of this party are going to have to change. Not Kerry, not Hillary, not Gore or Lieberman - not any of those people who have been failing us for years. It's time for the Democrats to bring some new star power to the forefront, and be the party of innovation once again.


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