Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Ladies and gentlemen, this is my morning rant. That's usually on the main blog, but I don't want to tell people who to vote for on that blog - that's for this blog! And, please, Repubs, if you don't read a single other post on my blog, just read this one and ask yourselves the following questions:

Why are you a Republican? Because whatever your reason is, the people you elect don't believe in it, unless you are extraordinarily wealthy. Whatever other reason you may believe in it, you either believe because they told you to believe it, or because of some deep-seated passion that you have which I promise you they don't care about. Are you religious? Well, they're not. Not a single one of them is. Didn't you see the guy on the Colbert Report who was DEMANDING that the 10 Commandments be put up in the legislature, but then was unable to name the Commandments himself? I can name all 10 Commandments, and I don't subscribe to any of the faiths they cover! You have to be somebody who cares about "Christian" values less than I do (I happen to follow Christian - not "Christian" - values very closely, however, because Kant's Categorical Imperative is basically just an extension of Christianity's Golden Rule, which is rarely followed by anyone who wraps themselves in the cloak of "Christianity" these days...sorry kids, that's the fact), as an unbeliever. And yet they sell themselves as pious.

Do you like them because they hate gays? Hey - some of these people ARE gay. In fact, it's the ones who are themselves the most outwardly homophobic who turn out to be the ones who are inviting male prostitutes to dinner and playing grabass with the cute fella interning. Once again, how can you buy anything any of these people say? And for that matter, where are Pat Robertson and Jerry Fallwell, condemming Rep. Foley for his behavior? These are supposed to be people who believe that gays and lesbians caused God to let 9/11 happen, but a Republican Representative spends his idle time hitting on a 16 year old page over IM (Imagine how pathetic that is; what's that conversation like? "I want your big hard-on in my mouth" "OMG! LOL!!! ;* ;)" ...and you are beating off to that? Fuuuuuuuucked up...) and Republican House Leadership covers it up for years, and these guys don't have anything to say on the subject? If a Democrat did this, they would be all over your TV 24-hours a day. Hell, they castigated Clinton non-stop when his relationship was with a consenting adult of the opposite sex. Isn't this supposed to be enough for God to, like, turn them into a pillar of salt, or something? Hypocrites, the whole lot of them. They don't believe as you do - they pretend to. They beat their chests and they sponser legislation that will never pass and that would be struck down immediately even if they did...but when push comes to shove, what have they done to promote the anti-Gay or "Christian" agenda? Prayer in schools? Nope. Banning gay marriage? For now they have most of the country still, but not for long, and you all know it. Private school vouchers (if you don't think that's a big item on the "Christian" Right agenda, you're off your meds)? No way. The Republicans that beat their chests for the "Christians" are doing so only because they know they are fighting battles that they will never, ever, be able or allowed to win.

Do you hate affirmative action? Let me ask you a question - have you ever seen an organization that caters to its black employees as the Republican Party? Any black person in the Republicans gets skyrocketed through the ranks regardless of qualifications. Lynn Swann? He's running for Governor of Pennsylvania, even though he isn't remotely qualified to hold that kind of a post. Colin Powell was given a high-profile job he clearly wasn't prepared for, and then they gave it to Condalezza Rice, who clearly wasn't qualified for the last, lower-profile job she had, let alone Secretary of Goddam State! They flew motherfucking lunatic Alan Keys out to Illinois to run for Senate against Barak Obama - ignoring all kinds of locally grown, young, white politicians - just because he was black. And you think they actually hate affirmative action as much as you do? And I'll give you another clue. The Repubs have been in uninterrupted, continuous power for 4 solid years. During not a single session were they not able to get anything through they didn't actually believe in. And affirmative action is still there. Do you think, if the Republicans you elect REALLY wanted it gone, it would still be there? Really?

What HAVE the Republicans been able to force through? Well, they have shortsightedly given over extreme amounts of power to the executive, because they believe the executive is going to be prepetually a Republican, apparently. So, they believe in that - that they should have absolute power for all-time. And they have drastically lowered income taxes on the obscenely wealthy while throwing tablescraps at the rest of us, so clearly they believe in that - that extremely wealthy people ( i.e., them) should be allowed to sit around all day and count their money, even though they have vast hordes of it, there is a finite amount out there, and some people really, really need the money they are wiping their ass with.

Those are the core values of the Republican Party. All the rest of it is just mumbo-jumbo. And you know that is the case because in 4 years, that is all the Republicans have accomplished: terrorizing us into giving up all our rights and eliminating taxes on themselves.

The Republicans only REAL constituency is the Super Rich. Not the moderately wealthy, not the middle class. Just the Super Rich. Only themselves. If you are not one of them (and you are not - believe me you are not. Unless Paris Hilton is on her computer reading random blogs right now, you are not the Super Rich; you are NOT the people who the pundits are talking about when they say, "the top one percent". And you will never be in the top 1 percent. Do you realize how insanely hard it is to be in the top 1% of anything? I got a 1420 on my SATs and that got me in the top 5%. The odds are twice as good that you'll be as smart you'll need to be to join Mensa - top 2% - as they are that you'll land among the richest of the rich) they don't care about you. In fact, they hold you in contempt. If you saw a beautiful heiress in a bar and tried to get her number, she would sick her bodyguards on you so fast you wouldn't know where they all came from.

And you don't like the Super Rich. I know this, because you told me. You hated how Paris Hilton got her first pay check on the Simple Life and wondered aloud what it was or what she did with it. You hated her for that. And yet, here you are, doing the dirty work so that you can cut her taxes. Allow her to inhereit the entire kingdom so that one day she, too, can file her nails all day with a golden nail file, feeding her dog $5000 a can imported dogfood from France, while American children go hungry on the streets. And her kids, who will be as obnoxious as she is, if not worse, because they were raised by her, as opposed to her father, who at least did something with his life, will get the same privilege, and their kids, and their kids, and theirs.... Meanwhile, the rest of us, we'll be trying to get what little they let out of their hands. That is the Party you support. That is what you enable.

There are many Republicans - people just like yourselves, who have come to this conclusion themselves, and have jumped the ranks. People like Jim Jeffords, David Brock, Ariana Huffington, etc. Ask them and they will tell you: "I was once like you. I thought as you thought and believed as you believed. But I have since seen what the Republican Party is all about and seen the glorious contrast the liberals offer. And they are accepting. As soon as you admit that you were wrong, they won't rub it in your face or cast upon you with suspiscion. They will gladly accept you into their ranks." We're like St. Louis Cardinal fans - once you come over to our side, you'll never want to go back.

So, before you go to the voting machine and pull the lever for whoever is sporting an R next to their name, ask yourself, "Why am I doing this? What good has this ever done me? Why does it seem none of the people I elect go and do the things they promise me they'll do? Why are the same religious leaders that are telling me to vote for Jesus's Candidate also telling me, or other voters like me, that Jesus's Candidate had working knowledge of the Foley scandal years ago, and, rather than acting on the behalf of the kids working as Congressional Pages, or in the name of the Lord, didn't blow the whistle but, in fact, actively attempted to cover the matter up? Isn't it possible I need to rexamine really why I am a Republican at all?

I promise you, when you see the world in a whole new way, and the possibilities the future holds to make life better, not worse, you'll understand why you are here - both in this Party and on this Earth.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's all bullshit. The left, the right, the republicans, the democrats.... They're all fucked. The whole system is a big pile of hypocritical bullshit. While I agree with your points by in large, you don't mention your side's short comings, and they are there. They are easily as hypocritcal, and care as little about their followers. You speak like jumping ship and coming over to the Democratic party would be some grand revelation... I doubt it. My politics don't fall into either party's platform in all honesty. My politics are quite similar to TRADITIONAL Conservative values, though not entirely. That said, I personally feel mocked by the Democratic party and their pathetic attempt to understand and relate to the "middle class". Let's be realistic, they are just as "super rich" as the Republican leadership.... I could go on all day, but I'm fairly certain you know where I'm coming from, and I'm also relatively certain that it's not be, but the uneducated, autovoters who are the target of your blog.

ps sorry for the run on paragraph.....

9:10 AM  

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