John Kerry appears to have grown a pair - two years too late.
Kerry, as you may of heard, made the comment recently that..."You know, education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq."
Of course, he was talking about the President of the United States, who is a complete jackass, eeked his way through college with the help of his family name, got to the White House through a series of underhanded maneuvers and slick packaging, and made a complete disaster in the Middle Eastern state.
The President, however, has chosen to isolate the comment and repackage it as if it meant that John Kerry was talking about the troops. Which is absolutely absurd - no politician in his right mind would say anything like that, even if he did believe it. And since John Kerry, unlike Bush, is an actual combat veteran who did serve as an actual soldier in an actual war, he probably doesn't. And since Kerry had basically spent the whole of his speech talking about what a stupid asshole the President is, it was obvious to everyone what the comment meant.
And it's obvious to the Republicans, too. They know exactly what he was saying, but that isn't going to stop them from pushing this bullshit on America, anyway, because they believe in their power over the Dumb People. They will ignore the fact that Kerry is himself a formenr soldier, and believe that he holds soldiers in contempt, when in fact, the only people who hold the soldiers in contempt are those who send them off to die, do not allow their coffins to be photographed, do not attend their funerals, do not provide a legitimate exit strategy to get them out of whatever mess they got them into in the first place, and do not do everything, including funding them for adaquate body armor and sending in an adaquate number of troops, to make the job as safe as possible because they want to win a war on the cheap. That is disrespect.
Kerry said, in response to Bush's attacks, "I'm sick and tired of a bunch of despicable Republicans who will not debate real policy, who won't take responsibility for their own mistakes, standing up and trying to make other people the butt of those mistakes. It disgusts me that a bunch of these Republican hacks who've never worn the uniform of our country are willing to lie about those who did."
Nice line, Kerry. Would have worked great in '04.
Kerry, as you may of heard, made the comment recently that..."You know, education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq."
Of course, he was talking about the President of the United States, who is a complete jackass, eeked his way through college with the help of his family name, got to the White House through a series of underhanded maneuvers and slick packaging, and made a complete disaster in the Middle Eastern state.
The President, however, has chosen to isolate the comment and repackage it as if it meant that John Kerry was talking about the troops. Which is absolutely absurd - no politician in his right mind would say anything like that, even if he did believe it. And since John Kerry, unlike Bush, is an actual combat veteran who did serve as an actual soldier in an actual war, he probably doesn't. And since Kerry had basically spent the whole of his speech talking about what a stupid asshole the President is, it was obvious to everyone what the comment meant.
And it's obvious to the Republicans, too. They know exactly what he was saying, but that isn't going to stop them from pushing this bullshit on America, anyway, because they believe in their power over the Dumb People. They will ignore the fact that Kerry is himself a formenr soldier, and believe that he holds soldiers in contempt, when in fact, the only people who hold the soldiers in contempt are those who send them off to die, do not allow their coffins to be photographed, do not attend their funerals, do not provide a legitimate exit strategy to get them out of whatever mess they got them into in the first place, and do not do everything, including funding them for adaquate body armor and sending in an adaquate number of troops, to make the job as safe as possible because they want to win a war on the cheap. That is disrespect.
Kerry said, in response to Bush's attacks, "I'm sick and tired of a bunch of despicable Republicans who will not debate real policy, who won't take responsibility for their own mistakes, standing up and trying to make other people the butt of those mistakes. It disgusts me that a bunch of these Republican hacks who've never worn the uniform of our country are willing to lie about those who did."
Nice line, Kerry. Would have worked great in '04.